Connect to your True Nature & Transform your experience

Larry First Steps, Integrating Awakening, Uncategorized

I’m not feeling especially chipper at this moment as I begin this blog. I thought it might be a jumping off point to write about sinking from the head to the heart. In other words, how do I find my way back to a spacious, silent peace when I’m in my head telling myself a variation on the theme that …

Stepping away from The Mind & into Freedom

Larry First Steps, Integrating Awakening

Spiritual teachers encourage us to abide as awareness as the path of peace and happiness.  How do we begin? First, we realize that the cultural norm of how we are living our lives falls short of the path of peace and happiness. Most of us are living short of the fullness of ease and flow, and our natural enthusiasm and …

Why the World needs Self Inquiry

Larry First Steps

Self Inquiry is the process of reflection into our true nature beyond the cultural model we have been given. We stop and question our essential nature. We ask, “Who am I?” This is the traditional, central question on the spiritual path. Or more directly, “Am I aware?” This question begins a process of looking–not looking outward at the world, but …

Who am I?

Larry First Steps, Integrating Awakening

The essential and fundamental question of spiritual inquiry is “who am I?” Take a moment now. Take a deeper breath. Relax and let go of figuring things out. Just breathe and let go. Let go into the experience of “I am”. We all know the “I am” experience. We say, “I am tired.” Or “I am hungry”.  Relax into the …

Foundational Practices for Joyful Living

Larry First Steps

What is Joyful Living and how does one live in peace, joy and love? Joyful living is living as the peaceful, joyful, loving presence that we are when we abide as our true nature. In my experience, most children come by this naturally if their basic needs are met.  Most of us adults have to consciously commit to growing into …

Joy is Our Nature

Larry First Steps

Even when I’m not in a good mood, joy waits patiently for me. What if we were to let go of the conceptual filtering of life—all the judgments, evaluations, control and ego jockeying? What would lie underneath as our natural, relaxed state of being? Boredom? I don’t think so. Depression? Certainly not. What if joy is our natural state? Think …

Joy is here; Joy is dear

Larry First Steps

As we put forward ‘being joyful’ as an intention, we put the experience of joy within reach. The bestselling author and spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle, describes joy as “vibrantly alive peace” in his book, Stillness Speaks. Tolle explains this joy further : “It is the joy of knowing yourself as the very life essence before life takes on form. That is the …

Start Here and Now!

Larry First Steps

Welcome to Joyful Living Global; thank you for your interest. This is a resource website to support the awakening of the human spirit that is reaching around the world at an increasing rate. Awakening is a longstanding term used to describe an experiential opening to our unbounded nature beyond time and space. This transformative experience happens in the heart and body—outside the confines …

What if there’s a more fulfilling way to live?

Larry First Steps

To get started with joyful living, we need to feel enough pain. If you’re like most of us, change doesn’t happen without pain or crisis. But let’s not wait for the pain of living in our heads to mount, shall we? Let’s mock it up with our imagination: Imagine your deathbed: I know, I know. It’s not where you want …

The Four Joys of Joyful Living

Larry First Steps

Hello Joyful People! Here are the Four Joys of Joyful Living and why they may support your joyfulocity. Number 1:  Relax into the formless. Number 2:  Be presence. Number 3:  Heal to wholeness. Number 4:  Share your gifts. Okay, fine. Sounds jiffy jolly. Like tightrope walking – easy to say, difficult to execute. Yes and no. Lets start with relaxing …