Here are some powerful quotes from bestselling author and international spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle. I invite you to breathe a bit deeper, relax and feel the shift you can easily make away from “thought-based identity” to identification with the aware knowing in which thought arises, that is to say, The Now. In Stillness Speaks, Tolle writes: “When you step into the …
Sinking the Mind into the Heart with Rupert Spira
I’m excited to share a teacher I found online, Rupert Spira. He’s awesome–clear and articulate about non duality—the purpose of meditation. Its this path of freeing ourselves from the mind suffering with which we all are so familiar. I invite you to watch this 10 minute video in which Spira talks to his students about using the potent question, “Am …
Powerful Questions to promote “The Shift”
We are all walking this path of waking up to a deeper connection to the ease and flow that is always already present, just “below” the nattering mind. This is us in our essential nature—spacious presence or beingness; relaxing into that silent presence changes everything, as Eckhart Tolle explains in The Power of Now. Here are a series of questions gathered …
Enlightenment: Plain and Simple
Simply stated, enlightenment is simply being, or as spiritual teacher and bestselling author, Eckhart Tolle, explains, “Enlightenment is a felt oneness with being”. As we relax away from thoughts, emotion and all resistance (judgment, evaluation, story) and into our essential nature underneath all the mental noise and emotional ups and downs, we see everything as it is (as a unity or …
Joy is Our Nature
Even when I’m not in a good mood, joy waits patiently for me. What if we were to let go of the conceptual filtering of life—all the judgments, evaluations, control and ego jockeying? What would lie underneath as our natural, relaxed state of being? Boredom? I don’t think so. Depression? Certainly not. What if joy is our natural state? Think …
Letting Go of the Story of Me
If I can begin to let go of the story of who I am, I can drop into my essential nature. Granted, these are words that can only point in a direction of the rich experience of entering a spacious awareness. Yet the words point in the direction of a transformative experience that changes our relationship with ourselves and life …
The Culture’s Costly Concept of Me
Once we have explored our so-called “inner world” to find that there is not an object called “me”, a monumental shift begins to take place. What is that shift? It is the transformational shift from living as an entity called “me” and all the entanglement that that me creates, to living from a peaceful, spacious presence that a quiet mind provides. …
Meditation: A Joy Ride
Finding my way back to joy, to a quiet connected spaciousness becomes easier with practice. This is the essential purpose of a spiritual practice: to move my attention from the outside world of doing and to do lists—striving—and conceptual narrative—figuring out, interpreting, judging and evaluating, all provided by the seemingly-helpful thought stream. Finding my way back to joy, by releasing …
Joy is here; Joy is dear
As we put forward ‘being joyful’ as an intention, we put the experience of joy within reach. The bestselling author and spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle, describes joy as “vibrantly alive peace” in his book, Stillness Speaks. Tolle explains this joy further : “It is the joy of knowing yourself as the very life essence before life takes on form. That is the …
Start Here and Now!
Welcome to Joyful Living Global; thank you for your interest. This is a resource website to support the awakening of the human spirit that is reaching around the world at an increasing rate. Awakening is a longstanding term used to describe an experiential opening to our unbounded nature beyond time and space. This transformative experience happens in the heart and body—outside the confines …